Unecon International
"Любой, кто перестает учиться, стареет, и не важно, сколько ему лет: двадцать или восемьдесят. Любой, кто продолжает учиться, остается молодым. Самая великая вещь в жизни - это сохранять свой разум молодым."
Генри Форд
санкт-петербургский государственный экономический университет
19 мая прошло официальное подведение итогов онлайн-марафона «Прокачай свой английский», который МИЭП СПбГЭУ проводил в закрытом Телеграм-канале с 4 апреля по 1 мая 2022 года.
Мы вручили ценные призы лидерам марафона, а также поблагодарили всех участников. Мы гордимся Вашими достижениями!

А вот некоторые из отзывов наших марафоновцев:
«This English marathon is the best thing that happened to me this spring!
I really liked tasks and exercises. The offline format of high-quality lectures, useful materials and cool chat, all this made marathon very interesting and inspiring!
I also liked the organization of deadlines. This gave me the opportunity to complete assignments when I have free time from my main studies at the university. It's very convenient!
An important part of the marathon is an electronic platform for its holding. This marathon was held in telegram, which turned out to be convenient for such an event. The tasks came with a notification immediately to the phone, I was impressed!»
«At the beginning, I’d like to mention that I’ve never participated in marathon before. It was quite interesting:) It gives me unique knowledge, I could know a lot of useful information about English language which I could share with my friends. I’m really thank you that you organise this amazing marathon. I would like to highlight that it’s an awesome approach (short video with theory and after this some exercises). It’s quite convenient. If you don’t have enough time for education, you can find some time to do something, when it takes no more than 10/15 min.I recon that this time can be find by each person during the day.»
«I think that this marathon was built very thoughtfully. Every one week was adopted for each of the topics, and assignments to consolidate the material. All the tasks that we went through were focused on 4 areas: reading, listening, speaking and writing. I think I would also add grammar, since I have little problems with it, but maybe it was left for a future marathon! in my opinion, this material is very useful, and I would like to keep it for the future, because when I take my exams, it will certainly help me. Summing up, I want to say that I did not regret the time spent to improve my skills and I hope and look forward to the next marathon!»
«A couple of hours ago I watched the last video of our marathon, to be honest, I will miss it. This month has been very exciting and quite challenging for me. But, of course, the main aspect of this course is the development of the ability to write, listen, speak, read, and think in English. Actually, I'm not going to take an international exam in the near future, but I realized that all the exercises analyzed in the marathon helped me find effective methods, for example, to read a text in a short time. Also, there are things that have been challenged for me. So, I recorded a video with the performance of the song. And as a result, I became more confident in my knowledge of English.»
«The marathon fully met my expectations. I learned a lot of new and useful information on all four modules. Starting from how to correctly perform tasks on international exams ending with how to apply English skills in everyday life. The information was provided in a short, fun and as clear as possible format. Training videos were released regularly, with a break for rest, which is very important for me. The format of tasks was also perfect: always quite brief, quickly checked and our scores were taken into account. Some of them were really funny and unusual for me, like singing with Freddie Mercury, and some turned out to be especially useful, like how to behave correctly at a job interview and what is better to include in a covering letter. I want to say a big thank you to the organizers and teachers of the Marathon. I look forward to your next events.»
Санкт-Петербург, наб. кан. Грибоедова, д. 30-32, лит. Б

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